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Programme features

Keynote Lectures

Two Keynote lectures will be held by the 2 renowned speakers Claudia Steinem and Dimitrios Stamou, who will put the biointerfaces field in the larger scientific and social context, covering historical and ethical aspects of the field, general principles that govern biointeractions in nature, and scientific and economical perspectives of the field for the future.

Invited Talks

A total of 17 invited talks will be given by young and established scientists who made significant conceptual advances in the field of biointerfaces. All sessions will furthermore have Contributed Talks selected from the pool of abstracts submitted by early stage researcher participants. These talks will be selected among the early-stage researcher participants, based on the abstract scientific quality, interdisciplinarity, and scope will be given priority while gender and geographical balance, will be considered in the selection process. Invited talks will be 40 min + 5 min Q&A, whereas Contributed Talks will be limited to 15 min.  

Plenary Talk: "Women in Science"

To be announced

Flash Presentations

In 2 sessions of flash presentations, poster presenters have then opportunity to preview their poster to the entire conference. These talks will be 3-5 minutes in length.

Poster Presentations

Strong emphasis will be put on creating an atmosphere conducive to informal interactions. Poster Sessions will be held every evening, after the keynote lectures. Posters will be on display throughout the entire Course, in the main conference room, such that they are easily accessible during breaks. 

PhD Students and PostDoc Career Round Table

The invited speakers together with students and postdocs will facilitate the discussion on how to navigate careers for young scientists. Unique career challenges depending on the region, the life events, or the career phases will be covered by a variety of pannels.

Forward Look: Panel Discussion

The keynote speakers, together with the other speakers and the organizers, will be asked to actively participate in a “Forward Look” plenary discussion (60 min), dedicated to grand challenges in science, society and economy to which the biointerface community could contribute.

This discussion will be co-chaired by the conference vice-chairs Jenny Malmstrom and Rami Mhanna.

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